
The patient has a mild allergic rhinitis, with the main symptom being pharyngeal inflammation that cannot be coughed out, causing frequent discomfort. Sometimes, the throat becomes painful due to catching a cold. This condition has persisted for about 2-3 years. Which traditional Chinese medicine or lozenges can be used for treatment? The patient has not received any treatment yet.


Hello: It is recommended to eliminate the pathogenic factors, treat systemic diseases and sinusitis. Pay attention to nutrition, strengthen physical fitness, and avoid irritating food and alcohol. Correct incorrect pronunciation. Wear a mask when working in environments with dust or irritating gases. You can use solutions like compound borax solution, furazolidone, 2% boric acid solution, 3% salt water for gargling, 3% iodine glycerin to apply to the throat, or lozenges such as iodine throat lozenges, mint throat lozenges, and Liu Shen Wan. Take oral traditional Chinese medicine to nourish yin and moisten the lungs, clear heat, and moisten the lungs, such as Yuan Shen, Mai Dong, Sheng Di, Shuang Hua, She Gan, and Gan Cao decoctions. For hypertrophic pharyngitis, you can use 10-30% silver nitrate to apply to the throat or electrotomy treatment. Ultraviolet radiation, cryotherapy, and radiation therapy may also achieve certain effects. For atrophic pharyngitis, vitamin A, B2, C, E can be taken to promote mucosal epithelial hyperplasia.