
What should be done if a newborn shows a blue lip color 40 days after birth, accompanied by jaundice of the skin?


Based on the information you provided, it is recommended that you take your child to a pediatric hospital’s cardiology and respiratory department for a detailed examination. It may be necessary to undergo chest X-rays, pulmonary CT scans, or cardiac Doppler ultrasounds to rule out the possibility of lung infection or congenital heart disease. A blue lip color in newborns may be related to heart malformations, congenital heart disease, respiratory tract obstruction, underdeveloped respiratory system, and infections. Especially since newborns have underdeveloped lungs, they are prone to aspirating milk into the lungs while breastfeeding, leading to severe lung inflammation and resulting in difficulty breathing and a blue lip color. This is a very dangerous period and immediate medical attention is required. If there is mucus or other obstructions in the nose, it may also cause difficulty breathing.