
My 4-month-old baby, on mixed feeding and formula milk, has one bowel movement a day. Ten days ago, after introducing rice porridge, the baby started experiencing diarrhea and passing green stool containing mucus and milk curds. The baby also has bloating, poor sleep, is easily irritable, and refuses to eat formula milk. The baby has 3-5 bowel movements a day, with small amounts, and sometimes stool is passed during flatulence. There are often intestinal rumbling sounds before bowel movements. Stool tests have been normal. Medications such as Simeta and MamiAi have been used for treatment but with no significant effect. This situation has never been encountered before, and I am worried whether to continue treatment. Moreover, the baby frequently sneezes.


Hello, regarding your baby’s condition, I first recommend repeating the stool test to determine if there is a bacterial infection or other issues. If confirmed to be a bacterial infection, antibiotic treatment such as cefixime may be required. If it is not a bacterial infection, antibiotics are not necessary. You can try giving the baby Changlekang and Simeta to improve gastrointestinal function. Additionally, the baby’s frequent sneezing may be due to sensitivity to allergens in the environment; observe if the baby has been exposed to new substances or is in an allergic environment. As for vaccination, if the baby only has gastrointestinal discomfort without symptoms like fever or others, vaccination can generally be administered according to the scheduled time. However, it is best to consult