
My child has developed acute purulent tonsillitis with high fever symptoms. After receiving intravenous treatment, the purulent spots on the tonsils have not receded. Are there any effective Chinese medicine formulas that can eliminate the pus spots?


Tonsillitis is commonly treated with both etiological and symptomatic treatments, with a duration of approximately 7 to 10 days. The doctor will first confirm whether the tonsillitis is caused by a virus or bacteria. If it is a viral infection, antiviral medications will be used; if it is a bacterial infection (commonly caused by Streptococcus), antibiotics such as penicillin, cephalosporins, or erythromycin will be prescribed. Symptomatic treatment includes fever reduction and pain relief in the throat. It is recommended that parents ensure their children drink plenty of water and gargle with saltwater during the illness.