
My son had three nosebleeds at 9 PM last night, and they stopped after I stuffed a tissue in them for a while. I want to know what the cause might be and how to prevent them.


There are many causes of nosebleeds, including nasal injuries, dry mucous membranes, damage from acids, alkalis, or foreign objects, excessive sun exposure, and excessive alcohol consumption. Frequent nosebleeds can be a complication of cardiovascular system disorders, internal organ diseases, various infectious diseases, blood diseases, or other conditions. When the nasal cavity becomes too dry, the capillaries inside may rupture, leading to bleeding. Clinically, 90% of nosebleeds are caused by vascular rupture. Patients do not need to worry excessively about this; most cases can be handled on their own with timely medication.

  1. Pay attention to dietary structure, eat less spicy food, and consume more foods rich in vitamins C and E, such as green vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes; fruits like apples, mangoes, peaches; as well as legumes, eggs, dairy products, to stabilize the vascular wall and increase vascular elasticity to prevent further bleeding.
  2. Avoid actions like blowing your nose or picking your nose to prevent injury to the nasal mucosal blood vessels.
  3. Perform nasal massage by gently massaging the nasal and facial skin areas 1-2 times a day to promote regional blood circulation and nutrient supply, especially during winter.