
My son is just over 2 months old and has started to have a fever recently. He seems to have a sore throat when he talks and has some difficulty swallowing. What should I be cautious about in terms of his diet if he has tonsillitis and keeps running a fever?


When a baby shows signs of tonsillitis, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly and also pay attention to the baby’s diet. It’s recommended to provide a variety of fruits and vegetables, as they are not only light but also rich in vitamins and minerals, which help boost immunity. It’s suggested to choose fruits like pears, kiwis, and oranges that are high in vitamin C, as they also have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. Additionally, it’s important to offer foods that are easy to swallow and digest, such as thin porridge. At the same time, it’s advisable to avoid foods that may exacerbate symptoms, such as beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood. During the treatment of tonsillitis, besides following the doctor’s instructions, it’s also helpful to assist the baby in developing good dietary and lifestyle habits, which can aid in their early recovery.