
My baby is seven and a half months old. Last night, we discovered that she has intussusception. After an enema, she has fully recovered. However, she suddenly started crying out at noon today, and the hospital examination couldn’t determine the cause. She clearly feels pain. What could be the reason and what precautions should be taken? Urgent!


Intussusception refers to a segment of the intestine being pulled into the lumen of an adjacent part of the intestine, causing a blockage in the passage of intestinal contents. Although an enema was performed last night for reset, there is still a risk of recurrence. The baby’s sudden episodes of crying and restlessness at noon today could be due to a recurrence of intussusception or other causes leading to abdominal pain. It is recommended to take the child to the hospital for a follow-up examination immediately. In the meantime, do not feed the child until the cause is determined. Also, pay attention to the baby’s defecation status and dietary habits to help the doctor make a further diagnosis.