
My baby is seven months old, and their stool floats on water, is full of foam, and is difficult to pass. This has been going on for a week. The regular stool test results are normal, and there is no treatment experience. What could be the cause?


Physiological diarrhea refers to a condition in infants after birth or after a period of time when they often have vomiting and an increased frequency of bowel movements, up to six to seven times a day. The stool is yellow or yellow-green but not watery, without pus, blood, or undigested food particles. The regular stool test shows no red blood cells or white blood cells. There are no other symptoms such as fever or vomiting, and the baby is in good spirits, has good appetite, normal urine output, and does not affect the average weight gain. Such babies tend to look a bit chubby, are usually under six months old, and are mostly breastfed.