
Does my child have a blood problem? Here are the results of my child’s blood routine test: Red blood cells (RBC) are 4.23×10^12 cells/L, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is 76.9 fl, red cell distribution width (RDW) is 9.3%, platelets (PLT) are 149×10^9 cells/L, mean platelet volume (MPV) is 6.2 fl, lymphocytes (LYMF) are 1.5×10^9 cells/L, neutrophils (GRAN) are 5.8×10^9 cells/L, monocytes (MID) are 0.4×10^9 cells/L, white blood cells (WBC) are 7.7×10^9 cells/L, hemoglobin (HGB) is 112g/L, hematocrit (HCT) is 32.5%, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is 26.4pg, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) is 344g/L, lymphocyte percentage (LYMF%) is 20.2%, neutrophil percentage (GRAN%) is 74.5%, and monocyte percentage (MID%) is 5.3%. What kind of help should I seek?


The doctor said I have mild anemia. How should I treat it? Guidance: In addition to iron deficiency anemia caused by malnutrition and insufficient iron intake, most children with this condition are due to dietary habits. Some children suffer from malnutrition due to overeating, picky eating, not liking greasy and strongly flavored foods, which leads to excessive burden on the spleen and stomach, causing gastrointestinal diseases, and eventually leading to iron metabolism disorders. Lifestyle Care: Please be reminded that child anemia can bring about severe harm, not only causing …