
My son was born with a clearly smaller penis compared to other children, sometimes it even retracts, and the testicles are also very small. He had a circumcision surgery at birth due to Islamic tradition. Now, at three months old, his penis has grown a bit, but the testicles remain the same. The doctor said that if they don’t ascend, there might be fertility issues in the future. How can I help if my newborn’s testicles cannot descend completely?


Based on your description, your child may have cryptorchidism, which could be a unilateral or bilateral issue. In the first year, observation is typically the approach, with a chance for improvement. If they haven’t ascended by one year old, then an orchidopexy surgery should be considered before the age of two. If it exceeds two years, an orchidectomy may be necessary due to the risk of affecting fertility and the potential for cancer. Hope this information serves as a reference!