
My son is just over 4 months old and has tonsillitis. He experiences sore throat when drinking water or talking, accompanied by mild coughing and fever. Besides seeing a doctor, what should I be cautious about in terms of diet? What foods can help with recovery?


When a baby has tonsillitis, it is important to focus on a light diet, eating more vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are rich in various nutrients that help boost the baby’s immunity. Suggested fruits include pears and apples, while vegetables can include greens, cabbage, and tomatoes. Additionally, the main course should consist of soft foods like porridge or noodles, which are easy to swallow and can prevent constipation from worsening the condition. It is also essential to drink plenty of water. Moreover, it is advisable to avoid consuming stimulating foods like lamb and dog meat. In addition to following the doctor’s treatment plan, parents should also help the baby develop good dietary and lifestyle habits to promote a quicker recovery.