
A 6-year-old girl wets the bed almost every night, needing to be woken up twice to urinate. Even after waking up, she still wets the bed. What could be the cause?


  1. Reduce fluid intake after dinner, avoiding fruits, sugar, yogurt, and cold foods.
  2. Decrease salt and fried food consumption, and avoid snacks like instant noodles. Refrain from drinking drinks like red bean soup and winter melon soup.
  3. Minimize spicy food intake and avoid acidic foods.
  4. Avoid sugary drinks such as Sprite, Jianlibao, cola, and various juices.
  5. In winter, use a hot water bottle to warm the abdomen for 20 minutes before bedtime and maintain this routine for over a week.
  6. Drink more water during the day and train to hold urine for longer periods to increase bladder capacity.
  7. Cultivate the habit of going to bed early and waking up early, and empty the bladder before bedtime.
  8. When waking the child up at night, if the child has a urge to urinate, wake them up to let them go to the bathroom themselves and develop good habits. If the situation does not improve, consider medical treatment.