
Children with ADHD often exhibit behavior problems such as inattention, lying, and frequent fidgeting. How should parents seek help?


The treatment for ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) typically includes medication and behavioral interventions. In terms of medication, doctors may recommend central nervous system stimulants or non-stimulant medications based on the child’s specific condition. Behavioral interventions may include family therapy, school support, and professional psychological treatment. It is important to note that the effectiveness of treatment varies from person to person, and parents should closely collaborate with doctors to regularly evaluate the treatment outcomes and make adjustments as needed. Additionally, for symptoms caused by high blood lead levels, supplementing with zinc and selenium may help reduce lead levels in the body, but specific treatment plans should be formulated by professional doctors. It is advised that parents take their children to a regular hospital for professional evaluation and treatment and follow medical instructions for relevant nutritional supplementation.