
Lately, my one-month-old baby doesn’t go to sleep at 9 PM. He doesn’t take his afternoon nap at 9 PM either. I hold him in my arms to soothe him, but he forcefully closes my eyes, and when placed on the bed, he will crawl around, not daring to take his afternoon nap. He usually fusses until around 11 PM before falling asleep, and sometimes he even cries. I don’t know if it’s because the baby is uncomfortable somewhere or what. He usually sleeps for about 2 hours during the day.


Your baby may be experiencing sleep instability, which could be due to a calcium deficiency. It is usually recommended to start supplementing calcium for a baby at one month old. I suggest giving your baby milk calcium or lactose calcium, try to choose health products, and follow the instructions for use. Continue with calcium supplementation until the baby is two years old, and you can also take fish liver oil together. I hope this can help your baby fall asleep quietly at night.