
The son has been coughing for 20 days after a change in weather. Initially, it was clear mucus, but now it has turned into thick mucus with a lot of purulent discharge in the nasal cavity. He has seen several doctors and taken both Chinese and Western medicine without any effect. There has been no high fever, and his spirits are good, but the cough and thick nasal discharge persist. The white blood cell count in the blood test is 15.3, with other indicators normal. He has taken cephalosporin antibiotics but they have been ineffective. Previous treatment history and effects: Sometimes he gets eczema. What should I do?


Based on the description, it may involve bronchitis or pneumonia. It is recommended to have the doctor perform a percussion examination and chest X-ray, and if necessary, a lung scan. Mild infections can be treated with antibiotics. For cough or excessive phlegm, you can take fresh bamboo concentrate or children’s Mahuang Ganyu capsules. In severe cases, intravenous fluid therapy is recommended. Additionally, pay attention to the possibility of mycoplasma infection. Wishing your child a speedy recovery.