
A 4-and-a-half-year-old child is experiencing bedwetting at night and sometimes can’t hold their urine during the day. How should this situation be handled?


To improve the issue of a 4-and-a-half-year-old child wetting the bed at night and struggling with daytime urination, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Establish a good routine and hygiene habits.
  2. Avoid overexertion and ensure a consistent bedtime and urination schedule for the child.
  3. Use an alarm clock to remind the child to urinate 1-2 times during the night.
  4. Take a 1-2-hour nap during the day, avoiding excessive excitement or intense physical activity to prevent deep sleep at night.
  5. Build confidence during the treatment process.
  6. Gradually correct the child’s feelings of shyness, anxiety, fear, and timidity, while also considering the child’s self-esteem.
  7. Reduce the child’s psychological stress through encouragement and understanding rather than criticism and punishment.
  8. Reduce the child’s food intake before bedtime and encourage urination when the bladder is at its fullest capacity.
  9. Help build the child’s confidence in overcoming bedwetting habits.