
What are the habits and reasons behind a baby’s eating behavior? Why does the baby only drink water and formula milk, and why has only half an egg yolk been consumed? What was the condition and effectiveness of past treatments? Has the baby ever been to the hospital? What could be the reason for the baby not wanting to eat, and how should the baby’s diet be adjusted?


It may be due to zinc deficiency in the baby, according to the situation. It is recommended that you take your baby for a trace element test to determine if there is a zinc or calcium deficiency, and to start supplementation early. Please inform us of the baby’s age so that we can add suitable complementary foods in a timely manner. Generally, when a baby is four months old, they can be fed one-fourth of a cooked egg yolk daily, which can gradually increase to one whole egg yolk per day by six months old, or it can be replaced with egg flower soup or steamed egg custard.