
My child has already started kindergarten and is very soft, cute, and intelligent. However, recently, the child often has a fever, sometimes a high fever, and the medicine doesn’t seem to reduce the fever much. Later, when we went to the hospital for a urine test to see what the problem was, the doctor said it was Psittacosis Chlamydophila Pneumonia, and everyone in the family is very worried. I’m looking for assistance: Hello doctor, what are the causes of Psittacosis Chlamydophila Pneumonia?


This disease is caused by the Psittacosis Chlamydia, with parrots as the main source of transmission. The disease can be transmitted through respiratory routes or directly through droplets or indirectly through industrial dust contaminated with excretions. Birds infected with Psittacosis Chlamydia usually damage their intestines, and the pathogens are excreted out through feces. The Psittacosis Chlamydia has strong resistance to the outside environment and can survive for several months in dry bird feces. The bird-to-human transmission is through aerosol respiratory inhalation.