
My child has developed developmental delay, it seems to have started a few days ago. I always felt that my child seemed a bit different from other children, doing things a bit slower, and their responses are not as quick. Sometimes we have to wait a long time before they respond to us. Now I’m not sure how to treat it. What kind of assistance do I need: how to treat developmental delay?


Intelligence is influenced by both hereditary factors and environmental elements, with the majority of causes of developmental delay remaining unclear. Common causes of developmental delay triggered during pregnancy include drug abuse, substance use, radiation therapy, malnutrition, and viral infections; chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome are also common causes. Many genetic metabolic diseases can lead to developmental delay, such as phenylketonuria and cretinism. Early treatment of cretinism can prevent developmental delay. The potential for preterm birth, brain damage at birth, aspiration, and respiratory difficulties to cause developmental delay is still controversial.