
After I finish work at the kindergarten, it’s always the elderly at home who take care of the child. Now it’s autumn, and I just started wearing a sweater, but the elderly person gave the child a thermal undershirt and cotton coat. Last night, the child’s face turned very red, and when I measured it, it was 38.5 degrees. For several mornings, there has been a runny nose, and there’s a lot of eye discharge. How can I assist in treating the child’s fever, runny nose, and excessive eye discharge?


Based on the described situation, the child might be a bit upset in the stomach, possibly due to being overheated. It is important not to dress the child in too many layers or cover them too warmly, as high body temperature can easily lead to pediatric febrile convulsions. Therefore, it is necessary to cool down appropriately, which can be achieved through medication or physical cooling methods. Give the child plenty of water to drink and eat some light congee; avoid spicy foods. If necessary, it is advisable to visit a regular hospital for a check-up and take symptomatic medication based on the actual situation.