
My baby is 4 months old and has not started calcium supplementation yet. Is that okay? I recently noticed that my baby suddenly cries during afternoon naps, and I’m not sure if it’s a sign of calcium deficiency?


Your baby may have a vitamin D deficiency issue. Early symptoms may include restlessness, crying, easily waking up from naps, and excessive sweating, especially during sleep when the head sweats and rubs against the pillow, causing hair loss at the back of the head, a condition known as cradle cap. Treatment for this problem mainly involves supplementing with vitamin D. Precautions include: 1. Encourage breastfeeding until the baby is 8 months old. 2. Start giving the baby an oral vitamin D preventive dose of 400 units daily from 2 weeks after birth. 3. Increase intake of foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, such as egg yolks, liver, fish, milk, and beans.