
Can a 3-month-old baby take Ikexin Vitamin AD Drops together with Star Shark Vitamin D Drops (400 units)? During the health check-up, the doctor advised my baby to take one Ikexin Vitamin AD Drop in the morning and one Star Shark Vitamin D Drop in the evening. Is this method excessive, as it’s generally recommended to take only one type? I’m thinking of alternating the doses, taking one type each day. Is that okay?


Hello, the doctor’s recommendation to take one Ikexin Vitamin AD Drop in the morning and one Star Shark Vitamin D Drop in the evening is to ensure the baby receives adequate amounts of vitamins A and D. This approach is not excessive, as the dosages of both medications are calculated to meet the baby’s needs. If you are concerned about overdosing, you can consult with your doctor to see if the dosage can be adjusted or if alternating use is possible. Additionally, a baby’s calcium deficiency may be caused by a lack of Vitamin D, so it’s important to consult with a doctor if there is a confirmed calcium deficiency.