
My daughter is 2 years old. Initially, she felt a sore throat when she spoke, and I noticed she was coughing more severely, and she also had a bit of a fever and seemed less energetic. What should be done to treat her tonsillitis pain?


Generally speaking, if it’s pediatric tonsillitis, it’s effective to give the child some symptomatic antibiotics. Additionally, regional treatment methods such as tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injections can be quite helpful. Depending on the child’s condition, painkillers can also be administered, especially when the throat pain is severe, which can help alleviate the suffering. If the child has a fever as well, then appropriate antipyretic measures should be taken; if the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, it’s necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If the medication is not effective and the condition recurs frequently, it is recommended to consider surgical treatment. Lastly, parents should pay attention to this disease and take their child for treatment as soon as possible. In addition, it is important to pay attention to related preventive and health care work in everyday life.