
The baby’s nighttime feeding frequency has suddenly increased; previously, the baby usually only needed to feed 2-3 times throughout the night. However, in recent days, the baby seems to be sleeping poorly at night and waking up more often. Each time the baby wakes up, they need to feed to stop crying, and sometimes they just drink a few sips and then go back to sleep. This has led to my own inability to rest properly. The baby’s other aspects are the same as before, looking completely normal. I am breastfeeding, and the milk supply is also sufficient. What could be the reason for this? I am worried that the baby might have been scared.


This is a normal phenomenon; it is not due to illness or being scared. As the baby grows older, an increased appetite is one reason. During this stage, the baby is also more intelligent than before. Does your baby have a habit of napping while feeding? If so, the child may develop a habit of sleeping with the nipple in their mouth. Once they realize there is no milk in their mouth, they will wake up and seek milk. At this point, you should absolutely not give the baby milk when they seek it out. Over time, this can develop into a habit that prevents both you and the baby from getting proper rest.