
A three-month-old newborn is experiencing a cough along with phlegm in the throat. What should be done?


Considering the symptoms may indicate a bronchial infection or pneumonia, it is advisable to seek professional medical diagnosis. The doctor may perform a physical examination and imaging tests, and if further diagnosis is needed, an X-ray may be arranged. For mild infections, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed for treatment. For symptoms of cough or phlegm in the throat, medications like Fresh Bamboo Decoction Oral Liquid or Children’s Mahan Gan Granules may be recommended. In severe cases, intravenous fluid therapy may be suggested. Additionally, for possible mycoplasma infections, if diagnosed as such, treatments like intravenous administration of Erythromycin Injection or oral Azithromycin Dry Suspension may be recommended. Please ensure adequate rest.