My child has developed tonsillitis and the condition has not improved despite long-term medication. How should I handle this situation?
Firstly, when dealing with the cause and treatment of tonsillitis, it is important to ensure adequate rest and reduce the intake of spicy and irritating foods. Secondly, consider taking oral amoxicillin and lozenges such as Xigua Frost and Herba Sarcandra lozenges simultaneously. Additionally, regional treatments can be considered, such as using compound borax solution for gargling, or performing nebulization inhalation using decocted Chinese herbal medicine for inhalation, once or twice a day. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chronic tonsillitis is caused by external pathogenic factors attacking the throat, leading to malnutrition of the throat. When heat invades the throat, it can cause severe pain, while a disorder in Qi circulation can lead to coughing and excessive phlegm.