
What should be done if a baby tests positive for 245? Does treatment need to be administered? Should breastfeeding be stopped? Will there be any changes in the future? Is there a possibility for the baby to turn negative? Is vaccination necessary?


A 245 positive result is generally non-infectious and does not lead to re-infection, as it confers lifelong immunity. Typically, no special treatment is required, and the baby can recover on its own. Breastfeeding is fine in this situation, and the baby should continue with timely vaccinations. To monitor for infectiousness, a Hepatitis B virus DNA test can be conducted; a negative result indicates no infectiousness, while a positive result indicates infectiousness. It is recommended to consume foods rich in high-quality protein, such as lean meat, eggs, dairy products, and legumes, to enhance body resistance. Additionally, smoking and alcohol should be avoided.