
How should I handle my child’s persistent cough for three days?


If the child has internal heat, you can give them a little salt water to drink in the morning, and soak their feet with foot massage at night, while encouraging them to drink more warm water. If they have caught a cold, offer them some ginger-sugar water, and also have them soak their feet in hot water at night and drink more warm water, avoiding cold and cooling foods. For coughing, you can boil a mixture of hawthorn, tangerine peel, and licorice in water, adding ginger strips if they have a runny nose. Alternatively, you can use hawthorn, licorice, and white radish water; drinking more warm water is also beneficial. Additionally, you can make a drink by boiling white radish, pear, and rock sugar in water; it helps nourish the lungs and clear heat.