
A two-month-old baby has a high fever, feeling hot on the forehead, back of the head, and nape, with an armpit temperature of 38.2°C, accompanied by a hacking cough. The onset of illness was at 4:30 AM that morning, with laboratory tests indicating bronchitis. A detailed medical examination by a doctor is required, including percussion of the chest and X-ray imaging. At home, physical cooling methods such as a warm bath or alcohol wipe bath can be used to lower the body temperature below 39°C to prevent seizures or convulsions caused by high fever.


At home, physical cooling methods such as a warm bath or alcohol wipe bath can be used to lower the body temperature below 39°C to prevent seizures or convulsions caused by high fever. Additionally, a detailed medical examination by a doctor is required, including percussion of the chest and X-ray imaging, to confirm the condition and develop an appropriate treatment plan.