
Can a 5-month-old baby drink yogurt when teething?


There are four reasons why a baby can drink yogurt:

  1. Yogurt is rich in nutrients and energy density. A cup of yogurt (150 milliliters) can provide a child with 30% of their energy needs, as well as 30% of calcium and about 10% of protein. Similar to breast milk, yogurt is easy to digest and especially suitable for infants with immature digestive systems.
  2. Yogurt contains galactose, which is a component of brain and nervous system myelin formation. It is closely related to the rapid brain development of infants after birth.
  3. Vomiting is a common disease in infants during summer. Yogurt contains ample lactic acid bacteria, which can effectively inhibit the production of harmful bacteria, enhance immunity, and thus prevent vomiting or prolong the duration of chronic vomiting.