
The 7-month-old baby had diarrhea 6 times on the 23rd and 2 times on the 24th, showing no energy and crying. What were the previous treatment and test results? What kind of assistance do I need? What oral medication can be effective? Thank you.


The baby can take some traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the spleen and stomach, such as Jian’er ZhiXie Granules, which can solidify the spleen and stop diarrhea. Dosage: Take with hot water, 6 grams per dose for those under 18 years old, 6-12 grams per dose for children aged 1 to 5. External use of Gui’er Nai Tie can also be used to strengthen the spleen, warm the middle, dispel coldness, and stop diarrhea. It is suitable for treating infant diarrhea and abdominal pain. Apply one patch at the navel, change the patch once every 24 hours. When feeding the baby, it is best to get accustomed to one food at a time before adding another, do not provide several types at once. If the baby is sick, do not add another food. Do not force bowel movements when there is a lack of appetite!