
At 21 days old, my child cries during their afternoon nap. Besides being startled frequently, is their bowel movement normal? It’s as large as a duck egg. My son drinks formula that costs about 200 yuan. I’m looking for assistance: How can I tell at home if my child is lacking calcium?


When the body lacks calcium, it first shows signs of soft skull bones, a large fontanelle, and a feeling of a ping pong ball when pressing on the skull bones. Later, there may be abnormal chest bone shapes, such as the sternum protruding like pigeon chest or the lower edges of the ribs being flipped out. If the lower limbs are weak, standing and bearing weight can lead to ‘O’ shaped or ‘X’ shaped legs. In addition to bone changes, early signs may include excessive night sweats, bald patches on the back of the head leading to nape alopecia, restless sleep during deep sleep, and being easily startled. Calcium supplement methods: Secondly, moderate sun exposure is the most effective, convenient, and economical method. Thirdly, oral vitamin D supplements. Secondly, breastfeeding.