
A baby who is just over a month old frequently twists and turns, and has recently begun experiencing frequent milk reflux. Almost all the milk he ingests is regurgitated. Parents are curious about the cause and ask if there are any methods or dietary remedies that can improve the situation.


There are many reasons for milk reflux and spitting up in infants. If the spitting up is mild, simply being patient and helping the baby burp can usually solve the problem. After feeding, immediately placing the baby upright usually helps, and as they start eating solid foods, this issue often improves. However, if the reflux is severe, or if there is projectile vomiting, it is important to take the baby to a doctor immediately for a check-up to determine the cause and begin treatment. In terms of daily care, proper feeding positions and burping techniques can help reduce the occurrence of spitting up. Additionally, after feeding, do not immediately lay the baby down; instead, hold them for a while to help the milk pass through the stomach into the intestines smoothly. The notion of “stomach cold” lacks scientific basis, so parents should follow the advice of their doctors.