
What to do if an infant has a decreased milk intake?


A decrease in an infant’s milk intake can be caused by various factors, including the mother’s emotional state, unsuitable bottles or nipples, changes in the living environment, taste changes, and reactions following vaccination. Here are some possible solutions:

  1. The mother’s mood may affect the baby; it’s important to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.
  2. If the bottle or nipple is not suitable for the child, consider switching to a more appropriate type.
  3. The baby may be uncomfortable with the current living environment or caregiver and may need time to adjust.
  4. If the baby is tired of the taste of the current formula, try switching to another flavor.
  5. After receiving the DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) vaccine, the baby may exhibit a dislike for milk; the reason is unclear and requires observation.