
A baby nearing 4 months old is experiencing sleep instability after midnight. The baby often starts to grumble and flail its arms, and constantly scratch its head after sleeping for 1 to 2 hours. During the first half of the night, the child typically sleeps from around 8 PM to midnight and needs to be woken up to change diapers. Why does the baby become restless in the latter half of the night? Could it be due to calcium deficiency? How should calcium supplementation be approached for such a young baby?


It is suggested to try giving the baby oral calcium gluconate and Icodextrin, while also increasing sun exposure time and incorporating calcium-rich foods into the diet, such as bone broth, codfish soup, and lean meat. Generally, children under 2 years old require 400 to 600 milligrams of calcium daily, but the amount obtained through normal diet can only meet about two-thirds of this need, thus requiring additional calcium supplementation to compensate for the shortfall. Moreover, the body regulates calcium intake; when calcium levels are sufficient, intestinal absorption decreases; conversely, it increases, and excessive calcium is excreted through urine and feces.