
How can you scientifically wean a 2-month-old baby? Are there better weaning methods to avoid causing too much pain to the child? What precautions should be taken during summer and winter?


When preparing to wean your baby, it’s recommended to first determine the appropriate age, which is generally suggested to be between 6 months to 1 year. During the summer, with higher temperatures, pay attention to your baby’s digestive health and avoid overeating to prevent indigestion. In winter, focus on keeping warm and prevent the baby from catching a cold during nighttime awakenings. During the weaning process, gradually reduce the amount of breast milk or formula milk while increasing the intake of solid foods. Additionally, the role of the father is important; he can increase the baby’s dependence on him before weaning, reducing reliance on the mother. During the weaning process, parents should seek advice from professional medical personnel to choose the most suitable weaning method for the baby.