
When the patient speaks, eats, or laughs, their mouth becomes crooked, but there are no other abnormalities, especially when answering questions or laughing. The symptoms have been present for 3 to 4 days. What has been the past treatment and its effects? What is this condition, and how should it be treated?


The symptoms of facial palsy usually do not have any precursors. After onset, the facial muscles on the affected side lose function, resulting in an asymmetrical appearance; the nasolabial groove on the affected side disappears, the corner of the mouth droops, and saliva leaks out. When drinking water or rinsing the mouth, water leaks out from the corner of the mouth; the forehead crease vanishes, and it is impossible to frown or raise the eyebrows; the upper eyelid cannot be closed, leading to tears and possibly conjunctivitis; blowing up cheeks causes air leakage, and speaking becomes unclear.