
The parent describes the baby frequently vomiting, with large amounts each time, and crying while sleeping. Recently, there was a time when the baby cried very intensely, followed by another vomiting episode. The temperature is normal. What was the treatment situation and effect two days ago? What kind of help is needed? Want to know what the situation is.


Crying is a natural instinct of infants, but it usually indicates that the infant has some need or discomfort. Infant crying is generally divided into “physiological” and “pathological” types. Typically, infants who cry due to physiological reasons are in good condition, with normal feeding, loud cries, normal complexion and spirits between bouts of crying, and their crying stops after the cause is eliminated. Infants who cry due to pathological reasons have an unusual cry, sometimes screaming, hoarse voice, often suddenly intense crying; accompanied by fever, lethargy, pale complexion, and sometimes accompanied by dry vomiting, nausea and vomiting, bloody stools, requiring further medical examination to determine the cause.