
Newborns often struggle to have a good afternoon nap, crying and fussing, and may only calm down when being held and shaken. They typically sleep for about 8 hours a day, but their sleep is restless and they tend to wake up easily. What should be done in such situations? What kind of assistance should be sought?


Firstly, identify the baby’s long sleep period, such as starting at 9 am. Then, gradually push back the baby’s long sleep time, trying to delay it by 2 hours on the first day, around 11 am. Methods to delay include activities like baby exercises, listening to music, carrying the baby around, or even giving them a bath; in short, do whatever it takes to prevent them from sleeping during their nap time. This process may be quite challenging, and the child may cry, but it’s best to stick to the plan without causing too much distress to the child.