
After the meconium is expelled, the newborn’s stool remains very loose, resembling water in the diaper, sometimes with yellow lumps, but in small amounts, odorless. Sometimes, when the baby farts, liquid is released, and later, diarrhea occurs ten or more times a day with green mucus, usually when changing the diaper, and there is a rumbling sound in the belly. Is this situation normal?


For breastfed infants, stool is typically yellow or golden yellow, uniform in texture, resembling cream or paste. Occasionally, it may be slightly loose and contain greenish hues, with a sour taste but no odor. They usually defecate 2 to 4 times a day. If the baby suddenly increases from 1 to 2 bowel movements a day to 5 to 6, it should be considered whether the baby is ill. If the baby has more bowel movements than usual but is otherwise in good condition and not losing weight, it can be considered normal.