
Is a lymphocyte percentage of 78.5% normal?


According to the provided routine blood test report, the lymphocyte percentage is 78.5%, which exceeds the normal reference range (20-40%). Typically, a lymphocyte percentage higher than the normal value may be related to the activation of the immune system, such as infection or other inflammatory reactions. However, an exact explanation requires combining other clinical information, including symptoms, medical history, and other test results. The normal reference range for neutrophil percentage is 14.8% (normal range 50-70%), red blood cell hematocrit is 32.1% (normal range 36-50%), mean corpuscular volume is 77.7 (normal range 80-100), and platelet distribution width is 9.7% (normal range 15-20%). For the blood cell composition of infants, the average normal values for different age groups are as follows: 1-day to under 2 years old:

  • Red blood cell count RBC: 1-day to 7 days old 5.7-6.4 (×10^12/L); 2 weeks 3.9-5.2; 3 months 4.2-3.9; 6 months 4.2-4.3; 1-2 years old 4.4.
  • Hemoglobin HGB: 1-day to 7 days old 180-195 (g/L); 2 weeks 163-180; 3 months 150; 6 months 111; 1-2 years old 123.
  • White blood cell count WBC: