
Does taking too much Pediatric Qizhen Pill have any adverse effects? The child’s face is red, and they complain of wind in their belly. What are the side effects of this medication? How was the past treatment and its effectiveness? What kind of assistance is needed?


Overdosing on the Pediatric Qizhen Pill may lead to side effects such as a flushed face and abdominal discomfort. It is recommended to take the medication with plain water or sugar water, or mix it with food or administer it with breast milk. Taking it on an empty stomach is most effective. For a one-month-old child, give 3 pills; for a child aged 3 to 4 months, give 5 to 6 pills; and so on, up to 40 pills for children over 10 years old. If symptoms do not subside, the dose can be repeated once every 24 hours, up to a maximum of three times, with each course lasting one day. Jaundice issues can be assessed by observing whether there are faint finger marks between the eyebrows. If such marks are present, it may indicate that jaundice has not yet completely subsided. Additionally, mild jaundice often results in normal bowel movements.