
My baby’s stool has been a bit like tofu pudding for 2 or 3 days. Last night, I gave him the Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium infantis powder. This morning and the last bowel movement were not watery, but they were sticky, resembling tofu. Could you help me guess the cause?


There can be many reasons for a baby’s diarrhea, including both infectious and non-infectious factors. Therefore, it is necessary to test the stool to determine if there is inflammation and to administer medication promptly. If the cause is non-infectious, while providing anti-diarrheal medication, proper care should be taken. First, pay attention to whether the baby is dehydrated, as symptoms such as thirst, dry lips, decreased urine output, and irritability indicate the need for fluid replacement. You can purchase ORS (Oral Rehydration Salt) for the baby.