
A two-month-old baby has developed numerous red spots on the forehead, eyes, and nose. These symptoms began more than a month ago and are particularly severe in the morning. The baby’s mental state and appetite have not shown any significant abnormalities. Could this be eczema? Is treatment necessary? What precautions should be taken?


Eczema could be a possibility. It is recommended to purchase black soybean decoction ointment from a pharmacy and apply it to the affected area with a cotton swab, once daily. Applying boric acid or traditional Chinese medicine cold compresses before applying the ointment may also enhance the effect. If the red bumps are widespread and accompanied by redness, swelling, and inflammation, it is advisable to seek medical treatment promptly. These are the suggestions for the question “Two-Month-Old Baby Develops Multiple Red Bumps on Forehead,” hoping they are helpful to you. Wishing you health!