
An infant has been experiencing diarrhea symptoms for 5 days, starting from the 22nd. The baby has been experiencing diarrhea 4 to 5 times a day, with yellow stools sometimes containing milk residue and water. The infant has no fever but may exhibit abdominal pain (crying frequently in the previous days). The baby’s mental state is good, appetite is normal, is easily woken during sleep, and there has been no significant weight change. The baby has been taking three days of Mummy Love but the symptoms have not subsided. Seeking help for a diagnosis and cure.


Dinggui belly button patch is used for invigorating the spleen, warming the middle, dispelling coldness, and stopping diarrhea, suitable for the treatment of pediatric diarrhea and abdominal pain. The usage is to apply externally on the navel, one patch per time, and change once every 24 hours. In addition, the Hengshengyuan Children’s Probiotic Powder is suitable for children with decreased resistance, poor digestion and absorption due to diseases, antibiotic use, or intestinal flora disorder. The usage is to take 1 to 2 times a day, one packet each time, mixed with an adequate amount of warm water or milk (below 37℃).