
Newborns have high bilirubin levels. What kind of sugar water should be given? The baby started showing skin yellowing on the third day after birth. We have used an enzyme-inducing agent (phenobarbital) for treatment, what was the effect? Should we drink brown sugar or white sugar? How much should be consumed daily?


Newborns often have jaundice at birth. It is recommended to let the baby bask in the sun for 1 to 2 hours a day, ensuring warmth and avoiding wind, and observe if the urine turns yellow. Provide adequate water, as the mother’s milk contains a lot of water, but since the baby’s kidney function is not fully developed, excessive drinking can lead to illness. It is suggested to consult a hospital for medication to treat jaundice. It is normal for newborns to have jaundice, and my baby took two months to recover.