
A three-month-old baby has grown eight teeth but often puts their hands in their mouth. Over the past two months, the baby has been restless at night, frequently crying, and tends to put their hands in their mouth when waking up. During the day, they also often chew on clothes or other objects. Two months ago, the treatment situation and results were: unable to resolve. The assistance sought is: to inquire about what to do if a one-year-old three-month-old baby exhibits this behavior.


To correct this bad habit, the best method is to distract the child with interesting new items as soon as you notice them preparing to put their fingers in their mouth. For example, before naptime, which is often when children are most likely to suck their fingers, you can tell a story or kiss them, giving them extra attention, which can have a certain effect. Additionally, you can prepare a plush toy for the child to hold while sleeping, which can occupy one of their arms. If the child insists on putting their fingers in their mouth, simply gently remove them after they fall asleep.