
What should I do when my baby often chokes while drinking milk?


If your baby frequently chokes while drinking milk, you can try the following methods to improve the situation:

  1. Ensure the milk powdertemperature of the milk is moderate, neither too hot nor too cold.
  2. Determine the feeding interval time and avoid long gaps.
  3. When changing the diaper, pay attention to your baby’s milk drinking situation and adjust the position of the bottle accordingly.
  4. After feeding, hold the baby upright and gently pat their back to help the milk reach the stomach, reducing the chances of choking.
  5. Monitor your baby’s liver function and pay attention to patting their back after feeding; this should lead to some improvement.
  6. Stay patient and don’t rush; you can also consult with other parents who have children for better solutions. We hope these suggestions are helpful to you. Wishing you and your baby good health!