
Four days after the baby was born, the bilirubin levels rose again. The baby has already undergone blue light therapy and intravenous fluid treatment, but the levels have risen again, and the blood count is high. The doctor did not clearly inform the cause after examination.


After a baby is born, when the bilirubin produced by the breakdown of red blood cells exceeds the liver’s processing capacity, jaundice may occur again. Although high bilirubin levels can be harmful to infants, the reason for the slight decrease in bilirubin levels after birth is still unclear. In normal newborns, bilirubin levels in the blood may rise to 15-20mg/dl one week after birth. However, severe jaundice (over 25-30mg/dl) that is not treated can lead to brain damage. The treatment for severe jaundice includes phototherapy, where blue light exposure can convert bilirubin into a compound that is easy to excrete in urine. This is the suggested answer to the question ‘Repeated Jaundice in Newborns’, hoping it will be helpful to you. Wishing you health!