
My baby is restless at night, waking up every half hour or so after falling asleep, continuing until 4 a.m. or even earlier on the third day, and they are still very energetic. Some people say it might be due to a calcium deficiency. Could you provide some assistance on this matter?


Based on your description, your baby’s nighttime sleep instability may first be attributed to a deficiency in vitamin D, followed by the nighttime crying syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine. I suggest seeking traditional Chinese medical treatment, where a diagnosis will be made based on your baby’s overall condition, and appropriate medication will be prescribed. Additionally, pay attention to your baby’s sleeping environment, such as the comfort of the bedding and the lighting during sleep. Your baby might have become accustomed to being held to sleep, so it’s recommended to gradually change this habit by placing the baby back in bed when they fall asleep. Moreover, avoid giving your baby too much food at night; keep the diet light and easy to digest, and be mindful of avoiding wind and cold to prevent colds. Your baby is now 5 months old and should start taking calcium supplements and cod liver oil regularly, as well as introducing complementary foods such as fish puree, vegetable puree, fruit puree, and egg yolks. Also, take your baby out more often to get sunlight exposure.